Deine 26 Energieschlˆsser entschl_Cover_19I07I16_rz.qxp_Layout

“Deine 26 Energieschlösser entschlüsselt durch die großen Arkana des Tarot” is a unique book which explains the 26 energy locks of man using the numerological and symbolical aspects of the major arcana cards of the Tarot. The 26 energy locks of Jin Shin Jyutsu®, an ancient Japanese healing art, can be used for physical and emotional wellbeing and healing and their meaning is derived from the knowledge about vibration and the ancient wisdom of numerology. “Deine 26 Energieschlösser entschlüsselt durch die großen Arkana des Tarot” is a practical book containing colour photographs of the energy locks and of the corresponding tarot cards. It enables the reader to use the energy locks to improve overall health and also for specific health problems. The goal of the book is to enable the reader to gain a fundamental understanding of the underlying emotional causes of health problems.


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