(English) Introducing Jin-Shin-Tarot!

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Dieser Beitrag hat 6 Kommentare

  1. Hertha Wolff-Arend

    What an interesting post. I can’t wait to learn more about it when I meet with you in person. The connection between body and tarot card readings is something I have never heard of. Thanks for contributing to educate people in learning more about their divine nature. Hertha

    1. Irene Lauretti

      Thanks so much for your interest, Hertha. And since you are the first to comment I shall be happy to offer you a free reading of your choice either via skype or when we see us in California soon! Irene

    1. Irene Lauretti

      Thank you David, it is with my greatest pleasure! Your interest is a wonderful inspiration to me! Keep at it!

  2. Hilde Mansfield

    I have attended a workshop with Irene Lauretti and I was impressed how knowledgeable and spirituelle she is. Irene is a beautiful soul and an amazing teacher. I have used her healing technique with holding your fingers and know that it works. I have shown it to many children when they struggled with their emotions and they benefited from this simply technique. I have recommended her to others and my sister had a tarot reading with Irene, and was truly impressed and found it very helpful. We are so blessed that you share your wisdom and love with us. x

    1. Irene Lauretti

      Thank you so much, dear Hilde,for your kind words. Lots of love to you and kind regards, Irene

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